Program to Implement Recursive Quick Sort where the First Element is taken as Pivot - BunksAllowed

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Program to Implement Recursive Quick Sort where the First Element is taken as Pivot

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#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void swap(int *list, int left, int right) { int temp; temp = list[left]; list[left] = list[right]; list[right] = temp; } void quicksort(int *list, int low, int high) { int pivot, i; if(high>low) { pivot=partition(list, low, high); /*when pivot is correctly placed at the position this means left subarray elements are less than pivot and right subarray elements are greater than pivot*/ quicksort(list, low, pivot - 1); /*divide and conquer repeatedly until all the elements are arranged*/ quicksort(list, pivot + 1, high); } } int partition(int *list, int low, int high) { int left, right; int pv_item; int pivot = left = low; pv_item = list[low]; /*first positional element is taken as pivot*/ right = high; while(left<right) { while(list[left]<=pv_item) /*left pointer will move towards right unless it finds an element which is greater or equal to pivot.Take that position*/ left++; while(list[right]>pv_item) /*right pointer will move towards left unless it finds an element which is less than pivot.Take that position*/ right--; if(left<right) swap(list, left, right); /*postion of left pointer and position of right pointer will be swapped*/ } /*if it is found that right pointer positional index is lower than right pointer positional index then swap pivot with right pointer's position*/ list[low] = list[right]; list[right] = pv_item; return right; } int main() { int *list, i, n; printf("\nenter the no of elements:"); scanf("%d",&n); list = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n); printf("\nenter the values:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&list[i]); quicksort(list, 0, n - 1); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d ",list[i]); return 0; }

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