Data Structures and Algorithms - BunksAllowed

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Data Structures and Algorithms

  1. Introduction to Data Structure
  2. Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures
  3. Complexity Analysis of an Algorithm
  4. Let's Understand Big Omega, Big Theta, Small Oh, and Small Omega
  5. Sorting and Searching
    1. C Program to implement Merge Sort using Iterative Approach
    2. C Program to implement Merge Sort using Recursive Approach
    3. Program to Implement Recursive Quick Sort where the First Element is taken as Pivot
  6. Introduction to Linked List
    1. Singly Linked List using C Programming Language
    2. Doubly Linked List using C Programming Language
  7. Stack Data Structure
    1. Stack Data Structure using C Programming
    2. Recursion and Stack
    3.  Applications
      1. Tower of Hanoi
      2. Infix To Postfix Conversion using C Programming
      3. Postfix Evaluation using C Programming
  8. Queue Data Structure
    1. Queue Data Structure using C Programming
    2. Circular Queue using Array in C Programming
    3. Double Ended Queue (Deque) using C Programming
  9. Tree Data Structures
    1. Binary Tree, Full Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree
    2. Binary Search Tree using C Programming
    3. Tree and Tree Traversal (In Order / Pre Order / Post Order)
    4. AVL Tree
    5. Threaded Binary Tree
    6. B Tree
    7. B+ Tree
  10. Heap Data Structure using C Programming
  11. Graph Data Structures
    1. Graph Traversal using Breadth First Search (BFS)
    2. Graph Traversal using Depth First Search (DFS)
    3. Minimum Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm
    4. Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal's Algorithm
    5. Single Source Shortest Path using Dijkstra's Algorithm
  12. Introduction to Hashing
    1. Hashing With Linear Probing
    2. Hashing With Quadratic Probing
    3. Hashing With Chaining

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