Creational Design Pattern: Factory Pattern - BunksAllowed

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Creational Design Pattern: Factory Pattern

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The Factory Pattern, or the Factory Method Pattern, involves defining an interface or abstract class for producing objects while allowing subclasses to determine which class to instantiate. Subclasses have the responsibility of instantiating the class.

The Factory Method Pattern is alternatively referred to as the Virtual Constructor. The primary benefit of implementing the Factory Design Pattern is its ability to create objects without specifying the exact class of the object that will be created. This allows for greater flexibility and modularity in the code, as it separates the object creation logic from the rest of the codebase.

The Factory Method Pattern enables sub-classes to determine the specific type of objects to be created.

It facilitates loose coupling by reducing the code's requirement to bind application-specific classes. This implies that the code only interacts with the resulting interface or abstract class, allowing it to function with any classes that implement that interface or extend that abstract class.

Source code of
package; public interface Account { // list of methods }
Source code of
package; public class SavingsAccount implements Account { // define the methods declared in Account Interface }
Source code of
package; public class TermDepositAccount implements Account { // define the methods declared in Account Interface }
Source code of
package; public class AccountFactory { Account createAccount(String accType) { if (accType.equals("Savings")) { return new SavingsAccount(); } else if (accType.equals("TermDeposit")) { return new TermDepositAccount(); } return null; } }
Source code of
package; public class TestMain { public static void main(String[] args) { AccountFactory accountFactory = new AccountFactory(); Account savAccount = accountFactory.createAccount("Savings"); Account tdAccount = accountFactory.createAccount("TermDeposit"); } }

Happy Exploring!

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