Minimal Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm - BunksAllowed

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Minimal Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm

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Prim's algorithm starts from any vertex of the graph and marks it as a visited vertex. It selects a minimum weighted edge from the starting vertex and adds the vertex to the visited set. Then it finds a minimum weighted edge for which one vertex is marked as visited and another vertex is marked as visited. If both the vertices are marked as visited, it will form a cycle, thus, it's rejected. Following this step repeatativelyuntill all the verices are visited, the tree is formed.


Source code
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<limits.h> typedef struct heap_node{ int vertex; int weight; }heap_node; typedef struct heap{ heap_node **heap; int *heapPos; int size; int maxSize; }heap; heap_node *create_min_heap_node(int w, int v){ heap_node *node=(heap_node*)malloc(sizeof(heap_node)); node->vertex = v; node->weight = w; return node; }; heap *create_min_heap(int maxSize){ heap *heapNode = (heap *)malloc(sizeof(heap)); heapNode->heap = (heap_node**)malloc(maxSize * sizeof(heap_node*)); heapNode->heapPos = (int *)malloc(maxSize * sizeof(int)); heapNode->maxSize = maxSize; heapNode->size = 0; return heapNode; } void swap(heap_node **a, heap_node **b){ heap_node* temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } int right_child(int i){ return (2 * i) + 1; } int left_child(int i){ return (2 * i); } void heapify(heap *min_heap,int position){ int minIndex = position; int left = left_child(position); int right = right_child(position); if(left<min_heap->size && min_heap->heap[minIndex]->weight > min_heap->heap[left]->weight) minIndex = left; if(right<min_heap->size && min_heap->heap[minIndex]->weight > min_heap->heap[right]->weight) minIndex = right; if(minIndex != position){ heap_node* minNode = min_heap->heap[minIndex]; heap_node* node = min_heap->heap[position]; min_heap->heapPos[minNode->vertex] = position; min_heap->heapPos[node->vertex] = minIndex; swap(&min_heap->heap[minIndex], &min_heap->heap[position]); heapify(min_heap, minIndex); } } heap_node *extract_min_heap(heap *min_heap){ if(min_heap->size<0){ return NULL; } heap_node *extractNode = min_heap->heap[0]; heap_node *last = min_heap->heap[min_heap->size-1]; min_heap->heapPos[extractNode->vertex] = min_heap->size-1; min_heap->heapPos[last->vertex] = 0; min_heap->heap[0] = last; min_heap->size--; heapify(min_heap, 0); return extractNode; } void decreaseKey(heap *min_heap, int ver, int wei){ int index = min_heap->heapPos[ver]; min_heap->heap[index]->weight = wei; while(index && min_heap->heap[index]->weight < min_heap->heap[(index-1)/2]->weight){ min_heap->heapPos[min_heap->heap[index]->vertex] = (index - 1) / 2; min_heap->heapPos[min_heap->heap[(index-1)/2]->vertex] = index; swap(&min_heap->heap[index], &min_heap->heap[(index - 1) / 2]); index=(index - 1) / 2; } } int belongsTo(heap *min_heap, int vertex){ if(min_heap->heapPos[vertex] < min_heap->size){ return 1; } return 0; } int prims(heap *min_heap, int **cost_matrix, int *weights, int no_of_vertex){ int weight = 0, startingVertex = 0, i = 0; weights[0] = 0; min_heap->heapPos[0] = 0; min_heap->heap[0] = create_min_heap_node(0, 0); while(min_heap->size >0){ heap_node *temp = extract_min_heap(min_heap); startingVertex = temp->vertex; for(i = 0; i < no_of_vertex; i++){ if(cost_matrix[startingVertex][i] != 0 && belongsTo(min_heap, i) && cost_matrix[startingVertex][i] < weights[i]){ weights[i] = cost_matrix[startingVertex][i]; decreaseKey(min_heap, i, weights[i]); } } } for(i=1;i<no_of_vertex;i++){ weight+=weights[i]; } return weight; } int main(){ int no_of_vertex = 0, **cost_matrix, *weights, i = 0, j = 0; scanf("%d", &no_of_vertex); heap *min_heap = create_min_heap(no_of_vertex); weights = (int *)malloc(no_of_vertex * sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < no_of_vertex; i++) weights[i] = INT_MAX; for(i=1;i<no_of_vertex;i++){ min_heap->heap[i] = create_min_heap_node(INT_MAX, i); min_heap->heapPos[i] = i; } min_heap->size = no_of_vertex; cost_matrix = (int **)malloc(no_of_vertex * sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < no_of_vertex; i++) cost_matrix[i] = (int *)malloc(no_of_vertex * sizeof(int)); for(i=0;i<no_of_vertex;i++) for(j=0;j<no_of_vertex;j++) scanf("%d", &cost_matrix[i][j]); printf("%d ", prims(min_heap, cost_matrix, weights, no_of_vertex)); return 0; }

Happy Exploring!

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