Introduction to Web UI Design - BunksAllowed

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Introduction to Web UI Design

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To design a Web UI, you should know 3 languages, as mentioned below:

  • HTML to define the content of web pages
  • CSS to specify the layout of web pages
  • JavaScript to manage the behavior of web pages

What is HTML?

HTML is the language for describing the structure of Web pages. It is used for:

  • publishing online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc.
  • retrieving online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button.
  • designing forms for conducting transactions with remote services, searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc.
  • including spreadsheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in their documents.

What is CSS?

CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large, small, or printers. 

CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language. 

Separating HTML from CSS makes it easier to maintain sites, share style sheets across pages, and tailor pages to different environments. 

This is referred to as the separation of structure/content from presentation.

To know more about the importance of CSS, click here.

What is WebFonts?

WebFonts is a technology that enables people to use fonts on demand over the Web without requiring installation in the operating system. W3C has experience in downloadable fonts through HTML, CSS2, and SVG. Until recently, downloadable fonts have not been common on the Web due to the lack of an interoperable font format. The WebFonts effort plans to address that through the creation of an industry-supported, open font format for the Web.

Here, you should note that JavaScript is not only used for web UI design. Nowadays, it is used in desktop and server programs. Node.js is one example of a server program. Some databases, like MongoDB and CouchDB, also use JavaScript as their programming language.

What is JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language used to develop web pages. Developed in Netscape, JS allows developers to create a dynamic and interactive web page to interact with users and execute complex actions. 

It also enables users to load content into a document without reloading the entire page (Ajax).

To know more about the importance of Java Script, click here.

Happy Exploring!

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